Tuesday 27 March 2012


Good Morning. 11.09 am here and i can't see the sun, that's very good news.

I hate my parents for being such hypocrites, especially mom for being the biggest backstabber known to mankind for telling off how proud she was of my sister for getting mofo-ing 3A's ..and a pass for her add maths. what. the. fuck. did she not acknowledge the fact that it wasn't any better than mine? and also, asked for my help to settle her education and i'm only doing it because i'm not mad at my sister for having such dumb-fucked parents who are obviously oblivious to the fact that others scored way higher than she did and their parents are menstrual about it. Don't make me start ranting about grandma.

Anyway, life's been..i don't know. i don't wanna complain about life because i have everything that i want. the only family i have right now is my cat and Him. If he's even willing to stay long enough to be part of my furniture. Even argued with Rai yesterday about not having kids and stuff, started off with her being all defensive about a nonexistant boyband (not exactly) that i made fun off. honestly, didn't think people like this existed anymore. I wouldn't gaf if Robert DJ were to be bashed up in front of me, he's human he's got flaws, they're human, they've got rights. FINE.
I don't want kids because of reasons. Mainly because i don't want them to become like me one day. i can't avoid that. They will hate me. Oh well not looking into that, don't know if i'll make it that far. i'm just so hell bent on proving to people that i'm a feminist and that i'm against the idea of having a family together, mainly to my parents. To let them feel the pain they put me through. i hope they do. I don't want to see that feeling of happiness on their faces one day for having grandchildren. Sorry imma have to drag his family down with me. i already told him to find someone else who's willing to have kids with him. But he doesn't want to, nothing i can do about that.

I'm selfish and absurd. Goodbye.