Friday 20 January 2012

So much grief in the start of a new year.



oops, hang on. received 2 BBM's from Azwad A. and Him.

What should i rant about today? It's semester break for me. Finals was hell but i got through.
Went to S' party in USJ, Z thinks i'm "gedik" and made fun of my denim shorts. I think she's envious because i've started to blossom more than her and she can't be at par as to what i've become because she's fat. It's the truth. I need to start looking for new people in my life. Debaters maybe would be way over her level of understanding. I've been having thoughts about how my own best friend disses me by thinking she's super hot super tall and fashionable. and there i am like a walking dwarf next to her.

and i comfort myself by thinking:

a) I have an education and i know stuff way more than she does
b) i'm rich
c) i have a car
d) my bf's wikipedia
e) i can afford a lot of stuff which wld make her attire seem so last year
f) my bossoms are big and she's jealous of it

always have been, always will be. Wow, i'm actually insecure but with people like these, i can't help it. Plus, i keep looking up to Miranda Kerr i don't even know how to look like her.

Whatever it is, i've got my own goals;
1. keep my hair long and healthy like Miranda's
2. stretch so i can be taller
3. get skinnier arms
4. more clothes, ones that nobody can pull off cause they're either too fat or their bossoms are too small
5. Be a Hell of a smart gal.

Always hoping. xx

P.S, my grandpa's sick. hoping to see him tonight. oh god that CBN wannabe will be there. Bite me. Bye.